Donate to pantheron
Raising money for pediatric causes.
Donate directly to Pantheron in 5 simple steps.
1. Click the donate button
2. Select your donation amount.
3. Select the name of a PJP student to receive
4. Input your information.
5. Input your payment information and click
Each year, donations are incentivized by a variety of tier prizes. For each tier of money donated in a student's name, prizes are unlocked.
Ways to Contribute
Contributions can be direct donations, donations from family and friends, and corporate sponsors.
Directly donate to Pantheron by clicking the donate button! Make sure to select the name of the student to receive credit for the donation!
Donate nowIn order to raise money and meet your goal, send your family and friends emails asking them
to donate in your name! All you have to do is copy and paste this pre-written email and fill
in your name.
Dear [Insert Name],
My high school, Pope John Paul II High
School, on April PLACEHOLDER_DAY, is hosting a dance marathon, to benefit three amazing
causes. This event is called Pantheron. Benefiting from our event are the Children's
Hospital of Philadelphia, Archdiocesan Special Education Schools, and the Lenny Martelli
Foundation. All proceeds raised will directly impact these causes. I am writing to you to ask
for your generosity in donating on my behalf to Pantheron. When making a donation please
select my name under “Student to Receive”.
Donate safely and securely to Pantheron by
To find more information about Pantheron
and the causes that it supports visit
Thank you for supporting Pantheron
and allowing us to be Panthers Helping Kids #PHK.
[Your Name
Business owners may also sponsor you and donate to Pantheron on your behalf! These donations
will count towards your tier prizes. We've created a template letter below to help ask
for donations.